Reliable Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Oregon and Washington
Whether you have been injured at work or gotten sick due to your job activity or environment, rely on our workers’ compensation attorneys in Oregon and Washington for quick and efficient legal service. We have the knowledge and experience to help you get the maximum amount of benefits allowed for your particular injury or disease. Get in touch with our legal team today to schedule a free consultation.
Learn about the Oregon Workers’ Compensation System
The Oregon workers’ compensation laws are designed, in theory, to provide a quick resolution for certain benefits due to work-related injuries and diseases. Under the laws, an injured worker is potentially entitled to four benefits: medical services, wage loss, permanent disability awards, and vocational assistance.
However, this workers’ compensation system is often not prompt and efficient. It can be highly technical and complex to navigate alone without legal representation. Click here for other information about Oregon law, injured workers’ rights and responsibilities, and more.
Important Reminders When Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim
It is important to be aware that there are certain time limits to appeal actions taken by an insurer/employer in your workers’ compensation claim (i.e., 60 days to appeal denials, 60 days to appeal Notices of Closure, etc.). Failing to appeal within the time provided will make you lose the right to contest the insurer/employer’s action. Additionally, it can bring a negative impact on any benefits you may be entitled to in your workers’ compensation claim.
Please note that attorneys are not paid in Oregon workers’ compensation laws if they do not obtain a recovery. If you have been injured on the job.